Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where I Am

Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates lately but I haven't been doing a lot. I arrived in New York Friday morning from Atlantic City and then had to scramble to find a place to stay. I ended up staying with a friend that night and then another friend's on Saturday night after a party. I have been at my parent's house in the suburbs since then.

Exciting news though! I am going back to New York in a few hours where I will be spending the entirety of the weekend crashing on different people's couches/floors. And then, on Monday, I am catching the ~3pm flight from La Guardia to Miami. FUCK YES.

It has been a week since I played poker and I am growing restless. I always grow restless in the suburbs though. I have been browsing around for sublets and stuff on Craigslist, ever since my cross country hitch hiking adventure via Craigslist I trust it completely, and while the prices aren't too outrageous they are still higher than I expected. A few promising ones have passed by my eyes so it seems pretty likely that I will end up subletting a 1 bedroom in Miami Beach. Everyone is invited to come down once I find it. I'm staying in a hostel for a few nights in South Beach while I look around.

I might even look for a *gasp* the 3 letter word (j*b). A fun one though...because I will need to meet people down there and break the monotony of it all. I think I might get a bartending license and look for a j*b doing that.

A note on lending money: don't do it...In the gambling world your word is your reputation. The first time you break your bond it's over. I think I will be one of the lucky ones and end up getting back most of the money that I loaned to people, even if it isn't within the time frame that was part of the original agreement.

So yeah, probably won't update for the next few days due to being afk and hanging out in the city. I will try and put up pictures of the 9/11 Memorial after I go on Sunday.

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