Thursday, September 8, 2011

Okay, so I lied - Also my leaks

I said I was going to go and get drunk but Chad (a buddy of mine that I am splitting the room with) didn't want to go out tonight because the only club that is open is at Harrah's rather than the Borgata. I figured fuck it, it's past midnight so it's a new day, I might as well put in another session. I started off at 1/2 but I just can't take that shit seriously so I went to 2/5.

I ran pretty good. Cashed out ~1.5k profit. It was nice to actually make hands and not see the board runouts be terrible. Also made one c/r bluff that I am very proud of. It's kind of amazing, a lot of the game is just waiting for people to gift you stacks. Like I overlimped 78o in the cutoff and it went off 6 handed or so. Flop was 569hh giving me the nuts and the sb just leads out for 25...I make it 65, he says 125, I go all in and he calls. Now at this point I am thinking that I need to fade a combo draw or a board pair or that we are most likely chopping because I mean, 100bb deep in a limped pot after I 4 or 5 bet jammed lol. Anyway board bricks off and I can happily announce nuts, except my opponent had already beat me there with A9o tptk huh. Kind of sick, the turn was an A. If he had runnered the not to think about it. Just so many hands where people would gift money bluffing with no fold equity into super strong lines, it really makes no sense.

I do wish that I could record the hands I play. I think I am making a number of mistakes, especially with respect to betsizing, that really cuts down on my winrate.

I want to take a moment to talk about my two biggest leaks:

The first is that I don't take enough time to think through my decisions and properly range my opponents. One of my bad beat hands from earlier is a good example. 5s full is definitely a fold given action and line but I just didn't think about it. It's kind of ridiculous given how much more time I have per decision when playing live. It's probably because I have trained myself to make decisions quickly online and don't adjust to the time that I have live.

My other major leak really isn't a leak per se. I am really hard on myself after I make a mistake, especially one that in hindsight is obvious to me (something that connects back to the first leak...). This is a good quality to have, I think, but I let it affect me to such an extent that I play much worse. I can be hard on myself all i want after I am done playing, when I am at the table I should focus on making correct decisions.

Run good everyone, I don't think there will be too much non-poker content in the next few weeks while I am at the Borgata because I did come here to work. Although I do think I will be attending a party in nyc before then so look out...

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