Wednesday, August 24, 2011

To Where the Blog is Going

Every entry which I have written thus far has been about poker. While the blog will continue to be primarily poker for obvious reasons, the gentle non-degenerate reader can rest assured that other things are coming.

Degenerates, well, go read BBV or something.

It is my desire to write about and exhibit the places that I visit and some of the people that I meet along the way. Since this is my blog and I am the Law, the Emperor and the Word, that is what will happen. The chief obstacle blocking my path is the lack of a working camera. Once that problem has been remedied you can expect a slew of entries with titles such as "On Pittsburgh" or "The View from a River" or "The Pirates Lose Again" and other such heady titles as I fall ever deeper into the delusion of my belief that I possess some artistic ability at naming things.

If I can't/don't/won't buy a camera I think I will draw everything in MS Paint or the equivalent Mac program. What could possibly go wrong?

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