Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rain and 1 week results

NB: I tried to imitate a style of writing that I admire in the first part. It did not go extraordinarily well but I don't think it went too badly all things considered.

It's the rainy season in Miami. Or at least the hurricane season. Depending on who you ask it will either rain until November or it is a fluke that it is raining at all.

I went outside early this afternoon after waking up and getting ready. It was cloudy and cool with a slight drizzle, the wind was in quite a frenzy. My first day wearing a long sleeve shirt in Miami, quite the momentous occasion. Seventy three degrees has never felt so cold.

I went to the bar last night to watch the finale of the NLDS. The storm that blew through was a monster. I walked down to South Point park beforehand, thankfully I made it indoors before the rain started. Before the rain starts there is usually lightning. After that there is wind. And then comes the storm, a great buffeting thing with the gusts of wind only highlighted by the intermittent strikes of lightning and rolls of thunder. It is a mad, terrible chorus.

While crossing Biscayne Bay on the bus today I was struck by how different it looked. Usually it is stunningly beautiful, boats freely move among the multitude of islands in its midst on clear blue water. Today it was angry. The Weather Channel thinks we are in for some nasty stuff.

It was raining quite heavily when I got off the bus across the street from the casino. The casino does not abut the street, its parking lot does. The entrance to the poker room is set ever further back from the street. As I watched the sheets of rain falling from the cover of a McDonalds (no, I did not buy anything) I was struck by the irony of it all. I was staring across a desolate wasteland of pavement and fences. The problem with cities that sprawl, I was 150 yards away but no closer than at my apartment. I got impatient waiting for the rain to end so I ran for it, but first I snapped a picture so I could post it here. I showed up at the poker room wetter than when I began the journey but not too badly off. At least I was in high spirits.

I only played 3 hours today. The rain let up for a little bit and I caught the last bus on the line. I spent an equal amount of time playing as I did traveling.


The desolate wasteland I needed to cross.

Week 1 results:

Eh it's close enough so I'll just call the 1st-8th week 1. The main thing about this week is that I did not play nearly enough hours. I took Monday off to move in and yesterday off to screw around/take care of some things which is fine but I still did not put in enough hours regardless. I touched on this in a post I have since deleted but I like the idea of maximizing your ev when young. Even if it means working slightly harder (not too hard obv). Anyway I'm really conflicted about whether or not I should be posting my results online but I just spent a lot of time making this graph so I guess I will. Okay it only took me about 45 seconds but yeah. I ran very good this week some days and very bad on other day.

I flopped a bunch of made hands and got paid on most of them - running good.
I hit 1 set in almost 30 hrs - running bad
I got sucked out on when all in a bunch of times with 65%+ equity - running bad
An ace flopped 4/5 times when I held pocket kings - running bad

Seriously I flopped a bunch of made hands and got paid - running good
    to wit: 67o flopped 2 straights
              K3s flopped a boat
              78o flopped a straight


The graph should have the x-axis in hrs. This is an oversight of mine. I don't think it matters too much in the end as long as I know personally what my hourly rate is. Hourly is, after all, what we seek to maximize. Sort of. If we increase the number of hours we play in exchange for a slightly worse hourly because we wouldn't be doing anything else in that time then it is a fair trade-off. There is, however, no reason that we can't maximize our hourly in every single hour rather than be satisfied with playing our B game for long hours. The goal is to always be playing the A game.

Rakeback is any bonus that I win. In my graph I have included the wheel bonus thing that I talked about after subtracting the dealer tip. Money won in bonuses spends just like any other as far as I am aware.

I only played 28.25 hrs this week. My sample size is meaningless.

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