Saturday, November 12, 2011

Massive Blog Update Part 1

Apologies to my loyal reader (hi Mom!) for my lack of updates. Life has been hectic and for the most part poker has not been a part of it.

We rejoin our hero after he posted his week 1 results of +2k and change. I lost 1k the next day and after that went to bed feeling not quite right. As the week progressed I felt worse and worse until the apex of my despair was reached on that Tuesday with my temperature spiking above fever level. Confined I was, to the bed in my studio apartment. The weather seemed to move in sync with my health as the rainstorms would fade and intensify with my temperature. I only left the apartment to obtain food or medicine, for no other reason did I leave.

That Friday I received some terrible news, my grandfather had passed away. It was not unexpected. I booked a flight home for that Sunday and went to the funeral on Monday. And that is all that I shall write on the matter.

I passed the next 2 days in Westchester as I plotted my next move. You see, it was late in October and although I had no intention of returning to the northeast until Thanksgiving I obviously had to for the above. My brother's birthday and Halloween are only 2 days apart and some of my friends in NYC were having a party for another friend's birthday. I also didn't/don't know anyone in Miami, so, rather than returning directly to Florida I decided that I should pretty much bum around until I had attended every event possible.

I spent Thursday night in Atlantic City at the Borgata where I have 2 nights a week free Sunday-Thursday pretty much forever it seems. A little poker playing was had by all and although I came out a slight winner I became increasingly frustrated as my very large edge was obvious to me and yet spots to apply it simply wouldn't manifest themselves. I instead exploited the leaks of my opponents by folding my random chaff and exercising considerable restraint to not spew. That is not wholly the truth, a spot or two did arise in which I took questionable lines that might or might not have been clouded by my boredom and latent frustration that had been brought to a low simmer by the aforementioned boredom.

I left Atlantic City and headed to Philadelphia wherein I stayed with Dave, a friend from high school who like most people from past parts of your lives I simply do not see enough. I spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday night there before departing back to New York on the bus sometime on Monday. A good time by all was had that weekend I think? My memory is a bit fuzzy. Excuse my use of an extremely trite phrase, but, it came to an end as all good things do. It was at this point that I was mostly at a loss as to what to do with myself. You see, everyone else I know does stuff on a normal schedule, they don't just decide to take 3 week jaunts around the northeast or they can't hang out during the week at 2pm because they are in school or working or something. Which is why I need friends with more awesome jobs like promoters or bartenders or something, but that's a discussion for another day. So I went back to my parent's house in Westchester, something that I really don't like doing mostly because of the lack of things to do, and waited until Friday. I started to catch up on tons of missed sleep mostly. How I have so much missed sleep when I work for myself if I want to is really beyond me, but it is what it is.

Friday was the occurrence of John's birthday at his then current location way the hell out in Bensonhurst. Somehow I got out there alive a bit early for the party. The term shit-show does not even begin to cover it. Although my man Tips was spinning some mad beats (yes there was a DJ at a house party ship it) some strange stuff still went down. Mostly having to do with a different roommate coming back plastered and starting a fight over the placement of some magnets on a refrigerator (no I am not making this up). Still, one or two assholes can't ruin the fun and the Dunkin Donuts/McDonalds runs early the next morning sans the aforementioned assholes were a great time.

My next step in my journey was to Pittsburgh for the Halloween/birthday celebrations. Little did I know that our villain, the great white menace, was barreling his way towards me...DUN DUN DUN

wow this is going to end up being 3 parts so allow me to hang a cliff right there.